Sunday, August 11, 2024

Robert Forster/Grant McLennan - Intermission: The Best of the Solo Recordings 1990-1997: 8.5 (high A-)

Grade applies to each solo collection, as a bottom line for both only. I note that Hull likes them both equally at the 8 (A-) level, or maybe one or both at 8.5 (high A-), if he used the ideal grading system. Christgau gives Forster a 7 (B+), or, again, maybe 7.5 (high B+), and McLennan a 9 (A), which could also be 9.5 (high A-). Maybe one day I'll replay them back-to-back and give them each individual grades, which could be averaged to give a grade for the combo, which is how these had to be purchased, and, no one ever seems to mention, an absolutely beautiful way for this to be done. These were separate, single, heterosexual men, who were bound to each other in a way that seems more profound than many marriages.

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