Friday, November 1, 2019

Nils Lofgren/Grin - batch review

I am going to stay with The Very Best of with this/these artists. I was tempted to get the 2-CD version of the three albums below, but I couldn't bring myself to do it given the grades, especially since it's one of those 3 albums on 2 CDs jobs. If it were individual albums in sleeves, I would probably have gone for it.

Grin - honorable mention - 4 out of 12 tracks are on The Very Best of
1+1 - 4 stars - This is the best of the three, but 6 out of 10 tracks are on The Very Best of so I can't justify the purchase. This is especially true because I would need to buy used vinyl or an unremastered CD.
All Out - honorable mention - 5 out of 10 tracks are on The Very Best of

I aslo listened to Nils Lofgren (1975) three times, but I will pass on that as an honorable mention. Incidentally, I would give The Very Best of 4 stars. It has the above noted tracks, one previously unreleased, a b-side and one track from Gone Crazy.

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