Friday, November 15, 2019

Mark Stewart + Maffia - Learning to Cope With Cowardice

:-| [Actually listened to this two more times after receiving the crybaby comment below. What? Honorable mention's not good enough for you? I guarantee you I've put 100x more time and effort into this blog than anyone ever put into this album, and in response to an honorable mention, this entire blog is a waste? (I would have been happy with an honorable mention.) But I took the crybaby comment to heart and re-listened. After a 5th listen, I realized I'd over-rated this, so docked it to neutral.

Note: I listened to it one more time after his death, and also the bonus disc entitled "The Lost Tapes." Now that he's dead, I'll probably buy the damn thing as a keepsake, especially since it's On-U Sound.]

1 comment:

  1. Here's an honorable mention: your blog is a waste of bandwidth.
