Monday, April 6, 2020

Fountains of Wayne - batch review

I originally gave each of these 4 stars. I think, like all of this band's albums, they are really more of honorable mentions. I just let Christgau influence me too much. They sound okay when I put them on, but I could not want to put them on less.

Traffic and Weather
Welcome Interstate Managers
Sky Full of Holes

It may be the singing, but more likely it's just the relentless poppish-ness. A friend of mine once pegged them as all their songs sounding like '80s sitcom theme songs. I have to agree. In going through my collection trying to cull the herd, and eliminate albums that I either have zero emotional connection to, or actively have a bad one, these jumped out at me in the latter category. De-shelved in 2020.

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