Friday, April 5, 2024

Burning Spear - Living Dub Vol. 1: 7.5 (high B+)

Famous dub of Social Living (a/k/a Marcus' Children). Originally issued in 1982 with the above cover (actually, there was a 1980 issue with a very similar cover, but without the volume designation). Album reissued with a different mix (by Barry O'Hare) in 1993 on Heartbeat, with this cover:

I listened once to this remix. The album was then reissued on Spear's own label, with the original mix, and the title Original Living Dub Vol. 1 and this cover:

Somewhat over-rated in my view, but still worth having. In the market for a used copy of the original mix at a reasonable price. I listened to the original mix 4 or 5 times.

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