Saturday, October 1, 2022

The Police - batch review

Here are reference grades (Xgau, Hull, Rolling Stone, Spin):

Outlandos d'Amour [A&M, 1978] B+/B+/4*/7
Regatta de Blanc [A&M, 1979] B-/B+/4*/7
Zenyatta Mondatta [A&M, 1980] B/A-/4.5*/4
Ghost in the Machine [A&M, 1981] B+/A-/4*/5
Synchronicity [A&M, 1983] B+/A-/4*/6

My brother was really into this band when we shared a room, so I have heard all of these albums quite a few times. Every one of them sounded familiar on a first play in 2022, but I played them two more times each anyway. At this point, I would grade them all honorable mention or 7 (B+), except for Zenyatta Mondatta, which I would grade 7.5 (high B+). Ghost in the Machine is probably more definitely a B+ than the others. I cannot really make these distinctions easily. # [pop]

I could get the comp Every Breath You Take, but I know all the songs on it well and wouldn't give it more than a 7.5 (high B+), and I don't buy greatest hits at that level. Finally, I toyed with getting the box set of all 5 for ~$35, but I couldn’t bring myself to spend the money on them, even at that price.

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