Sunday, May 15, 2022

The Front Bottoms - batch review


The Front Bottoms (2011)
Talon of the Hawk (2013)
Back on Top (2015)
Going Grey (2017)


Rose (2014)
Ann (2018)

I listened to all of these at least three times. I also sank alot of time into wondering what grade to give them all, and which of them to buy, if any. I note that the highest grade Hull gives to any of them is the debut, at straight B+. Christgau would have me buy all of the albums, except possibly for Going Grey, which may be the one I like the best. Very frustrating ouevre to parse. Allmusic is no help.

In the end, I would say that these all hover around 7 (B+) to 7.5 (high B+).

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