I'm breaking protocol and posting a cover image for an honorable mention, because I bought this on vinyl when it came out, and it has a complicated background. I remember being hugely excited, because I had loved Scatterlings so much and had listened to it over and over. This one was a big disappointment, but it wasn't terrible. Here's the background, from Wikipedia: "The album debuted four new Juluka songs: "Kilimanjaro", "Look into the Mirror", "Fever", and "Crazy Woman". The six remaining tracks are songs that were previously released on Juluka's 1983 album, Work for All. In South Africa and Zimbabwe, an alternate album was released: The International Tracks (MINC, 1984). This 7-track EP has the same cover art and new songs as Stand Your Ground. The difference is that, instead of the songs from Work for All, The International Tracks has two new remixes and one reissued track: "Umbaqanga Music" from the 1982 album Scatterlings." Got all that?
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