Friday, September 13, 2019

Husker Du - Everything Falls Apart and More: 3.5 stars

This has Everything Falls Apart, the singles "In a Free Land" and "Statues/Amusement," and two additional tracks ("Let's Go Die" and "Do You Remember?"). The original Everything Falls Apart is selling for exceedingly high prices. Even this is selling for more than I want to pay for a B plus used album. I would buy the remastered tracks of the original album from the Savage Young Du boxset, but they charge a full dollar per track, when the total "album" is less than 20 minutes. $12 for 20 minutes of digital download? So I'm gong to stick with their SST/Warners period only. This early material is really more standard, derivative-sounding hardcore anyway.

As far as the singles tracks on this, the only classic is "In a Free Land" and I have a live version of that on The Living End. "Statues" is okay.

And finally, I have skipped the debut studio albums (ie, not EPs (2 by the Minutemen, 1 by the Meat Puppets) or live ones (Husker Du)) by the Minutemen (The Punch Line), the Meat Puppets (Meat Puppets), and Husker Du (Everything Falls Apart). All 15-20 minute basically hardcore blurs, in one way or the other.

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