Saturday, October 27, 2018

Fatboy Slim - You've Come a Long Way, Baby: 7 (B+)

# [big beat] Completing my evaluation of big beat, which I've never been that into. What I'm doing with this is taking representatives of the top three artists: Fatboy, Prodigy and Chemical Brothers. With the first two, I won't get what are widely considered the best, but will instead take off-picks: With Fatboy, Halfway Between the Gutter and the Stars instead of this, and with Prodigy, Music for the Jilted Generation instead of The Fat of the Land. With Chemical Brothers, whom I like the best of the three, I will stick with their first two, and so seem to be in general accord with the consensus on them. Propellerheads, the only other contender for top big beat, falls just short, although I based this on a single listen of their only release.

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