Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Al Green - I'll Rise Again: 4 stars [plus batch review]

Have this one on vinyl, like Higher Plane. Did an hours-long survey of reviews of his huge catalog too. Here's what I came up with outside of the more obvious must-have run of Gets Next to You through Livin' for You, plus The Belle Album. First grade is Christgau, second is Tom Hull, third is Rolling Stone Album Guide, and AMG signified an album that user and critic reviews on All Music indicated to me that they are essential. Highlighted albums are in the collection. As you can see, I give more weight to Christgau, and less to Rolling Stone, where the reviewer is Mark Coleman.

Explores Your Mind - B+/A-/4 stars/AM
Is Love - A/A-/3.5 stars/AM
Full of Fire [Hi, 1976] - B+/A-/3.5 stars
Have a Good Time [Hi, 1976] B+/B+/3 stars
Truth n' Time [Hi, 1979] B+/B+(**)/4 stars
The Lord Will Make a Way [Myrrh, 1980] B+/B+/4 stars
He Is the Light [A&M, 1986] B+/B+(**)/3.5 stars
Soul Survivor - A-/B+/3.5 stars

[Listened to Full of Fire, Have a Good Time, and Truth n’ Time once each and can already agree with the consensus on those indicated above that they are solidly non-essential, although each have some great songs.]

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