Sunday, July 29, 2018

Lifter Puller - Fiestas and Fiascos: 3.5 stars

After several more listens, I am upgrading this from "honorable mention" to a "soft" B plus. This happened because I realized that I have all Finn's work, except this and his first solo album. And I am wavering on the first solo album and might buy it. This caused the insidious urge to completism to arise in me, and so I listened to this several more times and read some other reviews of it and ended up upgrading. However, I'm still not going to buy it, partially to fight the urge noted above, but also because it goes for $24 and is barely 30 minutes long. I think with Lifter Puller, I'll stay with the collection Soft Rock. [Note: when relistening, I played the digital-only rerelease, including the live tracks, which I note are fine and also at the B plus level.]

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