Friday, October 27, 2023

The English Beat - What Is Beat? [placeholder]

Greatest hits comp also including 2 live tracks of songs I have in studio versions and 3 remixes of songs I have in original versions. The collection is not easily available, so I skipped those 5 tracks. I did listen to the 3 UK singles three times:  “What's Your Best Thing?, “Hit It,” and “Too Nice To Talk To.” None of them stood out to me personally. There are several versions of this, so I also played "Which Side of the Bed" and "Ackee 1-2-3," which are on some versions and are much better. This led me to investigate the box sets The Complete Beat and The Complete Studio Recordings. The latter would be more interesting to me, because it does not include the live tracks that are on the former, but it is ridiculously expensive. Perhaps I'll end up getting The Complete Beat though, because it's still in print, I love the band, and there are some good tracks not on their three regular-issue albums, as this investigation demonstrates.

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