Saturday, September 9, 2023

Dinosaur Jr. - Fossils: 8 (A-)

Contains the following:

1. "Little Fury Things" - on You're Living All Over Me, which I have
2. "In a Jar" - on You're Living All Over Me, which I have
3. "Show Me the Way" - very good cover of Frampton song
4. "Freak Scene" - on Bug, which I have
5. "Keep the Glove" - on reissues of Bug, which I don't have (I have the original on SST)
6. "Just Like Heaven" - on Just Like Heaven EP, which I have
7. "Throw Down" - on Just Like Heaven EP, which I have
8. "Chunks" - on Just Like Heaven EP, which I have

So do I spring for a copy for a cover ("Show Me the Way" (3:45)) and one track ("Keep the Glove" (2:47))? Really just the latter, since covers are almost always dispensable. Stay tuned to find out! [Answer: no. I should have bought the reissue of Bug for that track though.]

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