Sunday, July 23, 2023

Chief Stephen Osita Osadebe and his Nigerian Soundmakers - Sound Time [IndigeDisc, 2001]: 8 (A-)

Compilation of tracks recorded between 1970-1985. Christgau appears to have given this what I would call an 8.5 (high A-), so as usual with highlife I am at least a half notch lower. I got this when it came out and shelved it long ago. I recently rescued it from my de-shelved pile where I had put it in my second attempt to thin the herd. Highlife's extreme repetitiveness, within and between songs, has always been a sticking point for me. But I had put this on the wrong side of the crucial but thin dividing line between 7.5 (high B+) and 8 (A-) when deshelving it.

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