Friday, March 24, 2023

Macy Gray - The Very Best of Macy Gray: 8 (A-)

Christgau's review says this has 16 tracks, but his count adds up to 17, which some versions of this are (I think it’s the track “Demon” which may be messing some counts up – it’s actually a Fatboy Slim song, featuring Macy). Anyway, I already have her first two albums (as well as The Sellout, released after this). So, I’d be paying for 3 tracks from album 3, plus 3 non-album tracks (one of which is a shortened version of "Demon," a song I already have in its original version), plus 3 remixes of songs I already have. So, I’d be paying for 3 from album 3 and 2 non-album tracks (which aren’t that good). Buying album 3 would be a better option, but I’m not going to do that (see review). I’ll just keep the first two, which I like better than Christgau (I'm more in line with Tom Hull on her).

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