Monday, December 26, 2022

Them - batch review

Really the albums Them (a/k/a The Angry Young Them) and Them Again. I suppose I would give the first an 8 (A-) and the second a 7 (B+), respectively. But it doesn't really matter because they are only available in really old expensive vinyl, or in un-remastered CDs or CDs with bloated extras. They should be reissued in a nice two-CD set. I almost settled for the following, because it has 8 of the 14 tracks on the first and 9 of 16 on the second, plus three additional songs not on either ("Here Comes The Night," "One More Time," and "One Two Brown Eyes"), and notes by Lester Bangs:

But it's only on 1972 vinyl, and is kind of an artificial way to get them. All other options have too much bloat, or more than I want. So, like early solo Van on Bang, I will ultimately do without.

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