Sunday, August 21, 2022

The Waitresses - batch review

Average of the following is slightly below 7 (B+). None higher than 7 (B+) and some are honorable mention. Maybe I should rate them slightly higher, but none of them are available at reasonable prices anyway, except the EP, which I would buy except it’s the one I like the least, and it’s a 12” EP, which I do not like. I could solve the problem by buying the best of, but it's also not available at reasonable prices, even in the “Millenium Collection” format. # [indiepop] anyway.

Wasn’t Tomorrow Wonderful?
I Could Rule the World if I Could Only Get the Parts [EP]
The Best of The Waitresss - 6 songs from first, 5 from second, and all 4 non-live tracks from EP

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