Friday, October 15, 2021

Pussy Galore - batch review [early EPs]

Feel Good About Your Body - 7 (B+) - good luck finding this for a reasonable price
Groovy Hate Fuck - 7.5 (high B+) - same [Spin "Essential Punk Album"]
Pussy Gold 5000 - hm
Sugarshit Sharp - hm - non-Shove "later" EP

All of these except for the last are on the Corpse Love comp (ie, all of the Shove EPs). Unfortunately, that's no way to hear this band (also includes snippets of their version of Exile and some other random things). Good for archival purposes, but good luck listening to 78 minutes straight of their caterwauling. Band needs to be taken in small doses.]

Shove label had its headquarters about a mile and a half from where I now live. I walked over there and looked at it. Actually looks like a really nice place. Maybe it wasn't then.

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