Sunday, February 24, 2019

Choc Stars - batch review

Not pretending to have mastered these guys' oeuvre. In fact, this isn't really a "batch" review, just a review of their two 1986 releases on Globe Style, Choc=Shock=Choc and Awa et Ben (2nd Shock). These are both 4 star albums, and I would buy them, but would have to get them used, which I can do for a reasonable price but still can't bring myself to do. Can't they just remaster these and put them on a single CD, maybe drop a track to do so? In any event, this decision is also informed by the fact that none of my Congo go-to experts (Muzikifan, Gary Stewart, Christgau) seem to give these guys much airtime. So I'm going to save some money and pass on the used copies. Again, if I could get them new at a reasonable price, I would do it.

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