Wednesday, January 16, 2019

No Age - batch review: 3.5 stars

I admire this band way more than I like listening to their albums. I've listened to them all many times, trying to like them, thinking that I'm missing out on this generation's Sonic Youth or something, and I just can't get there. One thing's for sure: I don't like or dislike one album any more than the others. So whatever grade I give them, it would be the same for all. As is apparent from the title of this post, that would be a B plus, giving them the benefit of the doubt. I admit that I don't like the vocalist's voice. Also, I think electric rock "duos" are always ultimately a little thin and uninspiring. I even think trios, where there is only a drummer, bassist and guitar player, fall short in sound (yes, this includes Nirvana). I realize that No Age's studio albums are probably multi-tracked etc, but I think the rock duo shortfall comes through in the aesthetic. Anyway, for searching purposes, the grade applies to:

Weirdo Rippers
Everything in Between
An Object
Snares Like a Haircut

I own all of these in physical, other than Snares Like a Haircut, which is when I realized that they are just not for me. Weirdo Rippers I would sell, only because it is their first and has The Smell on the cover, which I went to when I lived in Silver Lake, a couple years before this came out. An Object I would definitely sell, except I already have it, and people with better taste than mine like it.

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