Sunday, July 25, 2021

Jeffrey Lewis - 12 Crass Songs: 7.5 (high B+)


Might even be an 8 (A-), but it's OOP and not available used for reasonable prices. Also, it's a covers album, re: a band I'm not that fond of, which I normally would not collect, so I gave it a 7.5 (B+). But Christgau's grade is ludicrous, and openly politically motivated. As a right-wing Democrat, I'm sure this is too "leftist" for him. Punching left as always. Plus, he seems to be missing the sarcasm in the Crass' message.

Tall Dwarfs - 3 EPs

:-) [Contains A Question Of Medical Ethics, Up The Down Staircase, and Sam's Spaniel]

Friday, July 23, 2021

Grant [G.W.] McLennan - Fireboy: 7 (B+)


Would definitely pick up a physical, but it's OOP and not available for reasonable prices used. They definitely chose the 3 best songs for Intermission though, which I have in physical.

Run-D.M.C. - King of Rock: 7 (B+)


# [early rap] [Also, not available for reasonable prices for some reason. The debut and Raising Hell are available brand new for $6.50. This should be too. Considered getting this as part of the Original Album Classics set, but those discs are cluttered with bonus tracks, I already have the two biggest ones, and I don’t want the two I have as honorable mentions (Tougher than Leather/Back from Hell) and Xgau/Hull gave B+ and bomb/none, respectively. And I can’t find it solo for anything approaching a reasonable price for a B+, the reissue CDs have bonus tracks, and the original CD is not available at reasonable prices.]

Big Daddy Kane - Long Live the Kane [honorable mention]

:-) [Might be a 7 (B+), but by the time it gets towards the end, I'm waiting for it to end.]

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

The Rolling Stones - Some Girls 7 (B+)


Never liked this much, like so many people do. I have the deluxe version. Second disc is also B+.