Saturday, November 28, 2020

Joe Gibbs - African Dub All-Mighty - Chapter 3: 7 (B+)

Seems to be widely regarded as a top 5- or at least 10-type dub album. On the other hand, it appears to be completely unavailable in physical, except for a small fortune. I might buy it with Chapter 4 on a single CD.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Brandy Clark - Your Life Is a Record: 7 (B+)


# [country]

Pamelo Mounk'a - Pamelo Mounk'a [Eddy'Son 1983]: 7 (B+)


While the whole album rates only a B+, the song "Lucie" rates a 10 (A+). There is no better soukous song in my view (although many equals, obviously). I would buy the album if it were selling for anything approaching a reasonable price, just to have a physical of that song. I will have to settle for just streaming those 8 minutes whenever I want to hear them. I wish I knew who was on lead, but there is no information on the internet that I can find.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Pamelo Mounk'a - L'Incontournable


This one contains the album No 1 Africain: Ca Ne Se Prete Pas on Eddy'Son from 1982, plus 5 non-album tracks, each of which I played three times and will not be rating. I will buy a copy of the former though, on the strength of this digital-only comp.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Friday, November 20, 2020

The Prophets [Yabby You] - Conquering Lion


Placeholder - all tracks from this are on Jesus Dread 1972-1977. Getting them in this configuration in VG+ or better condition would cost hundreds. On a first listen, there's no way it's worth that. But I will grade Jesus Dread instead.

Jenny Lewis - Acid Tongue: 7.5 (high B+)


Friday, November 6, 2020

King Tubby and Friends - Dub Gone Crazy: 4 stars


I may buy this used if I can find it at a reasonable price. On the other hand, I might buy the tracks as part of The Aggrovators - Dubbing at King Tubby's, which looks like this:

The problem with that approach is that the tracks from Dub Gone Crazy are spread out, and this also contains Dub Gone 2 Crazy and Dub Like Dirt, which are each lesser and lesser. [Update: I went this route, because I could get all three albums on one release, sealed, for the same price as a used copy of the first in merely very good condition.]

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Serengeti - With Greg from Deerhoof: 7 (B+)


Dumb-ass thing where it's only in digital and on vinyl.

Haim - Women in Music Pt. III [honorable mention]


Lori McKenna - The Balladeer: 3.5 stars


# [folk]

Tenor Saw - Fever: 7 (B+)


I have mixed feelings about this one. It's a mid-'80s Sly & Robbie backed work, and I enjoyed playing it over and over. On the other hand, none of the songs stick, plus it's basically obscure and hugely out of print. I only played it because it was on Pitchfork's Best 200 albums of the '80s, at #199. I am compromising by calling this a 7 (B+) and not a getting physical, since they are all outrageously expensive. The CD versions of this all come with 8 dub tracks that are merely okay. But I could just as easily give this an 8 (A-). Maybe they'll re-release it one day, for a better value than $25 for a used copy of an unremastered CD.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Kid Koala - 12-bit Blues: 3.5 stars


# [turntablism]

The Boswell Sisters - Shout, Sister, Shout!: X stars


Couldn't actually find this on Napster. But in his review, Christgau named the essential songs, and so I created a playlist of just those songs. Way outside my normal listening sphere. Sounded just fine.

Monday, November 2, 2020

The Germs - Lexicon Devil [EP]: 3.5 stars

 [cover deleted as offensive]

Looks to be completely unavailable in its original form. Can't tell what he's saying, so the content may be offensive as well.

No Doubt - Tragic Kingdom
