Friday, July 31, 2020

U2 - Boy


Persian Gulf - Changing the Weather: 3.5 stars

A full A from both Christgau and Hull? So it's the equivalent of Daydream Nation? Really?.... Really? Probably more of an honorable mention, but upped a notch in deference to those critics, and that I already have it in vinyl and want to keep it.

Dizzee Rascal - Boy in da Corner [honorable mention]

:-) [Shelved due to critical pressure at the time. De-shelved in 2020 after yet another listen. Could never understand what people heard in this. Actually probably a neutral for me, but I'm still bending to that critical pressure.]

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Neil Young - Road Rock, Vol. 1: Friends & Relatives [honorable mention]

:-) ["Cowgirl," "Words," and "Watchtower" are A level, but all the other songs are far below that. But those three are so good, it almost rates a B plus in my mind, like Christgau gave it. He overrates it by a notch no doubt because Neil let his wife sing on it. So we probably agree in the end. Overall, I can't justify purchasing it. I have all his live albums with Crazy Horse though, just not this one with "friends & relatives." At least four listens]

That Petrol Emotion - Manic Pop Thrill: 7 (B+)

With former Undertones.

Princess Nokia - Everything Sucks: 3.5 stars

Digital only.

Jon Hassell - Vernal Equinox [liked]


Sleaford Mods - All That Glue: 3.5 stars

Not going for a B plus best of, plus this one goes on forever, especially for a band that's a little "one note" (I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing, just a double album is not the format for that). I will have to re-evaluate buying one or more of their individual releases, because I really like the band. [Four listens]

Brian Eno - Nerve Net [honorable mention]


Saturday, July 25, 2020

African Fiesta - Merveilles du Passe (1962 1963): 4 stars [360163]

Muzikifan Congo essential. Obviously unfindable. Also a little before my collecting period.

Jeffrey Lewis - A Turn in the Dream-Songs: 7 (B+)

Normally, this would be # [anti-folk], but for this I will make an exception because I have it already.

Yes - Close to the Edge [honorable mention]

:-) ["And You and I" is a great song. The other two, especially the side-one-filling title track, are not so good.]

Anna Domino - This Time [honorable mention]

:-) [See review of comp Dreamback]

Friday, July 24, 2020

Etoile de Dakar - Volume 4: Khaley Etoile: X stars

The title track is a top ten African track of all time no doubt. Five of these six tracks are on the essential comps ("Silmakha" is not - dutifully played three times), so I haven't bought this or rated it.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Juvenile - 400 Degreez [honorable mention]

:-) [Very close to B plus, but it's a little samey, and it's annoying - hah, how he ends every line - hah, with the word hah - hah. Starts to grate on you after awhile.]

John Coltrane - Africa/Brass and The Africa/Brass Sessions, Vol. 2: X stars

Listened to these in their two original configurations. Very nice, but somehow don't seem essential for the minimal jazz collection.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Mike Watt - Ball-Hog or Tugboat? [honorable mention]

:-) [There's a B+ or even A- EP in here, but as an album, it goes on and on and on, for 70 full minutes. A double album he did not have in him.]

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Various Artists - Oi! The Album: 3.5 stars

Could be an A minus. Right on the edge. But impossible to find at a a less than exorbitant price so not bothering to make the determination.

Billy Woods & Kenny Segal - Hiding Places: 7.5 (high B+)

I like the LP cover better (with the crooked house). Anyway, this looks like it's completely unavailable on CD. Maybe it was in limited edition? Selling for ridiculous prices now anyway. Could be an 8 (A-) but not sweating that distinction since it's unavailable anyway.

Pup - The Dream Is Over [honorable mention]


Sonic Youth - Made in USA [honorable mention]


Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Sightings - Amusers and Puzzlers [honorable mention]


Sonic Youth - Spinhead Sessions


Sonic Youth - Live at the Continental Club: 7 (B+)

# [live] Although for a band I like as much as this one, I would usually go for it, there are other good live albums from this general era (Hold That Tiger); people are charging way too much for it; and, most importantly, it's a "fan club" only release.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

S.E. Rogie - Palm Wine Guitar Music: The 60's Sound: 7 (B+)

# [palm wine] If it were not OOP, I would probably have gone for it, because it seems like such a soukous (particulary Dr. Nico) progenitor. Very sweet sounding.

EPMD - Unfinished Business: 8 (A-)

I have this in a sealed longbox, where I've kept it for years.

EPMD - Strictly Business: 8.5 (high A-)

808 State - 90 [Utd. State 90] [honorable mention]


Eric Clapton - There's One in Every Crowd [honorable mention]

:-) [Not sure why this is so reviled. Might even be a B plus. Alot of his solo work falls into this category with me.]

Fun Lovin' Criminals - Loco [honorable mention]


Pet Shop Boys - Fundamental [liked]


Sonic Youth - (Over)Kill Yr Idols: 3.5 stars

Try finding this for less than a hundred.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

The Grateful Dead - Steal Your Face [honorable mention]


Fovea Hex - Neither Speak Nor Remain Silent: 3.5 stars

Physicals completely unavailable. Eno (and Fripp) participates. [Contains three original EPs: Bloom, Huge and Allure.]

Sonic Youth - Live in Los Angeles 1998: 7 (B+)

I would buy this as a souvenir, if it were available in physical, because I was there. Probably an 8 (A-) for the live show. The audience got to sit for the whole thing, which was nice.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The Teen Idles - Minor Disturbance E.P.: 7 (B+)

Forget about actually buying this in physical. Only ever on 7" vinyl. First Dischord release, goes for about a grand in good condition. The EP in its entirety appears on two Dischord comps as well: Four Old Seven Inches [on a Twelve Inch] and Dischord 1981: The Year in Seven Inches. Discord seems to regard the second one as the CD re-release of the first. In addition to all four EPs on the first (Minor Disturbance, No Policy by S.O.A., Legless Bull by Government Issue, and Possible by Youth Brigade), it adds the first two Minor Threat EP's, which I already own. Since Four Old was never re-released on CD (let alone remastered CD), I found a new remastered vinyl copy for a good price. See separate review of that.

Yonic South - Twix and Dive: 3.5 stars

Digital only.

Sophie - Product

:-| [4 listens]

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Etoile de Dakar [Youssou N'Dour] - Xalis [honorable mention]

Review is for the three songs not on other albums/comps I have reviewed/own: "Xalis," "Sama xalatu aduna," and "Banana."

Friday, July 3, 2020

The Beta Band - The Three E.P.'s [honorable mention]

:-) [I think the first EP, Champion Versions, might even be an A minus. But then the other two EP's go way downhill from there, and the songs start going on forever. I would buy the first one, if it were ever released on one of those cute little CD singles, but it looks like it was only put out on 12-inch, my least favorite format, and they are selling for a fortune anyway. So, I'll settle for Dry the Rain on the High Fidelity soundtrack and call it a day.]

A.R. Kane - 69 [honorable mention]

:-) [Possibly a B plus, but # [experimental] anyway]

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Brian Eno and J. Peter Schwalm - Music for Onmyo-Ji

:-( [Listened only to second disc with Eno/Schwalm. Can't comprehend how Rolling Stone album guide reviewer could give this five stars.]

The Art of Noise - In Visible Silence [liked]

:-) [4 listens]

The Grateful Dead - Wake of the Flood


The Grateful Dead - Terrapin Station: 3.5 stars

With this band, I'm the opposite of the norm for a band that's not one of my favorites: I don't buy their B plus studio albums. I would buy this anyway, but it's only available on CD in first generation transfers, or a later edition cluttered with crappy bonus tracks.