Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Magnetic Fields - "23 Love Songs": 5 stars

Playlist is below. I rate the full set 4.5 stars. If you want my other prime divisor, my top three songs are highlighted. Burned this one to disc and shelved it in a slim case.

1.  Absolutely Cuckoo
2.  I Don't Believe In The Sun
3.  All My Little Words
4.  A Chicken With Its Head Cut Off
5.  I Don't Want To Get Over You
6.  The Cactus Where Your Heart Should Be
7.  I Think I Need A New Heart
8.  Sweet-Lovin' Man
9.  When My Boy Walks Down The Street
10. No One Will Ever Love You
11. You're My Only Home
12. (Crazy For You But) Not That Crazy
13. World Love
14. Long-Forgotten Fairytale
15. Papa Was A Rodeo
16. Epitaph For My Heart
17. The Sun Goes Down And The World Goes Dancing
18. Abigail, Belle Of Kilronan
19. Busby Berkeley Dreams
20. The Death Of Ferdinand De Saussure
21. Yeah! Oh, Yeah!
22. I Can't Touch You Anymore
23. How To Say Goodbye

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Bottle Rockets - The Brooklyn Side: 10 (A+)

The Bottle Rockets - Bottle Rockets: 4 stars

Van Morrison - Common One: 7.5 (high B+)

After significantly more than three listens, I finally get this one. A good friend and mentor of mine recommended it to me around 30 years ago, and I've never forgotten his enthusiasm for it. I kept trying over the years until it clicked. Of course, now it's OOP and selling for seriously over-inflated prices.